Thursday, April 12, 2018
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
What worked, what didnt and what I did about it...
Its one month in to the 2015/2016 school year and its been a rocky one! I've grown to expect poor attitudes, forgotten material and general chaos from the first few weeks of school but this one seems exceptionally difficult. I feel a bit of our coming unto our own this school week and found I can definitly cut out a few things to make my life easier.
Now before you think I have it all together I do not! I've defintily been dealing with some heart issues of my own! Coping with a longer school day, some learning challenges and a lack of free time has been very very hard on me. I like to put things in a positive perspective for myself and others..
What Worked...
1. School Planners. I have loved my older three childrens homeschool planners. They have worked very nicely at keeping us all on track. I've loved them enough that I added a student assignment sheet to my 2nd and 3rd graders binders to help us all keep on track.

3. Math Mammoth and Saxon math. I've loved this addition this school year as well. Its been awesome that all our math is contained in those little worksheets with no extra manipulatives or books needed. I love how colorful MM is and how simple to use. I also love the independence Im seeing with our Saxon math users.
4. Binders. I have a white binder for each of the kids with a weeks worth of worksheets, student sheets, extra paper, ect. I love how if we need to move locations we can just grab those book and be out the door fairly quickly. I also enjoy prepping them for the week and closing them out for the week. It shows me what we need to do ahead of time and helps me to see the progress we have made each week.
What hasnt worked...and what I did about it.
1. Just Write. This program for my 3rd grader is a little too hard. We are going to stick with copywork for "writing" for him for awhile. He just struggles a little with the concepts. Just Write ha been great for my 5th grader.

3. Doing it all. That has definitely not worked! I've struggled with some of the titles in ECC this year and had to substitute with You Tube videos and internet activities for the younger ones. That hasnt been too difficult. ECC is a great backbone to what we are doing though and I wouldnt change it.

5. Workboxes.. They were terribly cumbersome and not everything fit properly. We ditched them for totes and binders :)
Over all we are having a very productive year and Im sure we will come out on top and get into a groove in the end.
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Tips for a Horrible Homeschool Day..
Monday morning was met with groans and moans about the first day of school, not at all what I expected! I prepared all summer for a perfect first day! It was bumped up two weeks early because of some changes in our schedule. I prepared the children the best I could, but they just weren't ready. All summer long I had made schedules, changed plans, and organized every inch of our curriculum but I never could have planned for grumpy attitudes. My horrible no good very bad day sent me back to the drawing board and through some prayer and advice of friends I came to these conclusions.
#1 Go back and read the Teaching Tips. You've probably over complicated something.
I sat down at the table Tuesday afternoon and talked with my good friend trying to disect what I did wrong. Surely I needed to change some curriculum. Its possible that the children are at fault in some way. I've just GOT to figure this out! Then God whispered gently to me, "Go back to the the Guide". Oh!! Im supposed to READ those teaching tips! They were designed for me by the Authors and if you dont follow them you will miss something.
#2 do as many lessons orally as you can. It shouldn't be a struggle.
Sometimes I just need to take my own child into consideration. As Charlotte Mason says "Do not put before the child anything that can not be done with perfection." This kind of learning model helps the child to see success. Just because they can not do the lesson in written form doesnt mean that they can not glean from the information in an oral sense. Just like the Lord never puts anything before you that He is not there to help you through. If God lead you to it, He will help you through it. Same with my children, if I lead them in a lesson I need to labor with them to understand it.
#3 Charlotte Mason praised the concept of short and varied lessons, see tip #2.
"Where there are many words transgression is unavoidable." Forward motion is the goal, not quantity of lessons accomplished in one school year. Slow and steady progress means quality lessons learned and materials mastered. Its not a race, its a marathon.
#4 Set a timer, see tip #3.
A timer! I find that setting a timer during lessons keeps not only the child doing the lesson on task but also the interrupters at bay. If anyone has a question they can usually hold on to them until the timer beeps at which I ask around the room who needs help before moving on to the next child or lesson. Also this habit of using a timer helps because Flylady says we can do anything for fifteen minutes! This is especially useful in the Spelling Power curriculum. I will get interrupted several times and the speller will get frustrated and I will be focused on finishing that list of words making the quiz take 30 min instead of 5. Mulitply THAT by 4 or 5 and imagine the time wasted on spelling alone! The same goes with other subjects. Just because we spend a long period of time on a topic that is hard for them to understand doesnt make it easier for them. But to spend 15-20 minutes of focused attention on the task at hand we can finish the lesson another day with out their minds being labored.
#5 Spend time with the baby first! Than work your way up, youngest to oldest.
Its so easy to neglect toddlers and babies when homeschooling. Make a notebook and group them with the kindergarteners, read a story, or do a short activity. Their attention spans are very short, it takes just a few minutes to make them feel included. Usually working from Youngest to Oldest is a smart move. An older child can usually begin more of their subjects independently, while the youngest are getting help. Its best to work in one room schoolhouse model where everyone is working on the same subject at the same time.
#6 Have you Added something?
Sometimes when I hit a home school speed bump I find that I have added too many irons to the fire and when that happens someone is going to get burnt out. Participate in less extra curriculars. Drop an extra workbook or program. (You know the one you added to be like Mrs. Jones awesome homeschool mom) Stream-line your morning with a good evening routine. Simplify the meal plan. Use Mothers Helpers like the dishwasher, crockpot, paper diapers and paper plates! Keep It Simple Sally "KISS"
#7 Last but not least, pray! Remember why you choose your curriculum in the first place.. (this should be tip #1)
The most important tip of all! Pray, ask, seek, knock and the Holy Spirit will guide you. Mostly in my situation I was dealing with a heart issue on MY part! I had stepped out of some wisdom I discovered last school year to mimic another Mothers home school. While bouncing ideas off each other can be priceless in some instances but always pray about those things. Remember God gave her a plan for HER children and YOUR children are very unique and different. And when you do have a horrible, no good, very bad, day go back to the Lord and seek His Wisdom on the situation.
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
The End of Summer
Our oldest also turned 14!!
Our second oldest son turned 10!
Our family had a fabulous summer vacation! We visited friends in Indiana, spent loads of time at summer camp, had 2 birthdays and had a fabulous Vacation Bible School while hosting students from the Vision Tour from South Korea.
Vixthemom leading Music at Bible school
Lily with her ship and bird friend backstage at the Korean Ballet performance
Korean Children at the Art Museum
Korean Children taught my 3yo to eat Spicy Ramyn Noodles with chopsticks
Jesus Birth
Christ's Ascension
While the Vision Tour was here they spent time viewing some of Kansas City's finest attractions. They were indulging in Cheese Burgers and Watermelon all rare foods in their country. Four of the Korean girls were baptized during our Sunday morning services. The biggest gift of all, for our family, was their performance of Christs life through Ballet! This is where we got to learn our youngest daughters passion for dance!
Our church was sad to see them go. We loved those sweet little girls and the zest for life they brought to us. I can not wait to host them again!
The Grand Finale
And life is starting to look a little normal! We started high school this week!! More on that to come!
Monday, July 27, 2015
Buddy Camp
This week my 3 oldest children went off to Basket Ball Camp with their Dad. They were having a blast! My younger 4 all know the fun of camp and were not only missing Daddy and the "Big" kids they were jealous of the fun they were most likely having!

So Mommy got creative! When my older kids were little we spent a lot of time at the library, the zoo, science centers and going to McDonalds play lands. Now that they are all grown they prefer the movies, amusement parks, and trips to Sonic for milkshakes. The little ones dont get the same experiences, so I invinted Buddy Camp for them! We had many adventures during Buddy camp!
First we had to run some errands for the week. So I asked the kids what kind of food should I serve at Buddy Camp and of course they said french fries and corn dogs! So we picked those up at the store. We also visited the Dollar Store and they got to spend their "own" dollar on whatever they wanted! A valuable lesson was learned about gum, and it not being stored behind your ear! We also went to the library, picked out books and turned in our Summer Reading Program charts and got our coupons for Pizza Hut! It was then that I formulated the plan for the next few days!
The next day we went to a Farmstead with a petting zoo, old schoolhouse, Indian homes, and nature walk. Then we took our Summer Reading program coupons to Pizza Hut for dinner.

Visiting an old school house

Listening to stories about the invention of the safe for Banks.

Listening to a black smith explain his trade.
On day three we were able to meet with Daddy for lunch at a McDonalds and we went to a local Hallmark museum and hands on art center. After that we went to another fairy tale display. I didnt get many pictures of this one as we were in a big city and I was a little nervous keeping track of everyone. We came home that evening and had a simple dinner and watched a movie.
On the last day of Buddy Camp we went to the city pool with some good friends. I didnt get many pictures of that either! Having 4 kids, 8 and under is hard work! We came home and had those Corn Dogs and French Fries for dinner with Bomb Pops for dessert!

I had so much fun making memories with these little people that I have decided to have a Buddy Camp every year for the ones who are left behind on camp week. :)
Saturday, July 25, 2015
Preschool and Kindergarten Curriculum 2015/2016
For the Preschooler
- Laurie Puzzles
- Preschool workbooks including Rod and Staff Beginning 3
- Playdough
- And lots of free printables
My goal for our 3 year old is a gentle introduction the alphabet, learning colors and shapes more acurately, fine motor skills like pencil holding, cutting, and pasting. I also would like to develope a larger vocabulary and work on potty training.
For the Kindergardener:
- My Fathers World Kindergarten
- Dollar Store workbooks with Mazes, Dot-to-Dot, and handwriting practice
- Rod and Staff ABC Series finishing up with C-D-E-F-G
- Math U See Primer
- And light Exploring Countries and Cultures with his siblings.
2015-2016 2nd Grade Curriculum choices
Workdrawer #1:Morning Work
- Calendar notebook
- A Reason for Handwriting A
- Any additional review she can do on her own
- Rod and Staff Spelling by Sound and Structure grade 2
- Language Lessons for Today grade 2
- Spectrum Writing Grade 2
Workdrawer #3: Math
- Math Mammoth Level 1
Workdrawer #4:Reading
- Sonlight Reader
Workdrawer #5: Science and MFW items
- Complete Book of Animals
- Usborne Sticker Dolly dressing around the world
- Dollar Tree Maps Coloring books
- Any MFW Notebooking pages for that week
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